• Events,  The Studio

    New Jewellery Workshop Booking Options

    Making Planning Your Workshop a Little Easier Organising to do anything can be a challenge, especially if there’s more than one person involved. The current uncertain times make this even harder to do, with advanced planning proving very difficult for all of us. Taking this on board, I have modified my booking arrangements to make things a little easier for you.

  • The Studio

    The New Stanthorpe Studio

    Picture this … After a coffee at one of the many great cafes in the bustling country town of Stanthorpe, you hop in the car and drive just 5 minutes out of town. You’re in the heart of the Granite Belt, surrounded by the peace and quiet of the countryside. Giant rocks scatter the landscape, kookaburras and parrots perch in the trees and there’s barely another car to be seen. You arrive at the entrance of a sweeping, long driveway edged on both sides with flowering pink camellias. Following the driveway leads you to a house nestled on the side of a hill in the middle of a 5 acre…

  • The Studio

    The Granite Belt Move

    Jocale Design is moving to the Granite Belt The boxes are packed and we’re on the move! If you’ve not already heard, we’re off to STANTHORPE in the beautiful Granite Belt. Yes, yes, I know, it’s the coldest place in Queensland … Yes, we will need extra clothes and blankets for the winter … But, it is an absolutely stunning region with friendly locals, gourmet food, great cycling and wonderful walking.

  • The Studio

    Inlay Adventures – Part Two

    As you will know, trying out new creative techniques can be both fun and frustrating all at the same time. As adults we often seem to set ourselves unrealistic expectations of obtaining a perfect result first time around. Unreasonably comparing our abilities as beginners to those of the masters. To help to take the pressure off and give us a greater chance of success, it’s worthwhile taking time to ‘play’. Make models, build prototypes and test pieces. Just using the word ‘test’ or ‘experiment‘ takes away all the expectations of perfection, allowing us freedom to explore, create and learn. With this in mind I’ve been continuing my experiments with metal…

  • The Studio

    Copying a Pattern onto Metal

    As part of my experiments with metal inlay I’ve been investigating a different way of transferring a pattern or design onto metal ready for you to cut out. I’m sharing this with you in case you’d not heard of this method and wanted to give it a try yourself.

  • The Studio

    Metal Inlay

    Inlay Adventures – Part One If you’re anything like me you enjoy trying new creative techniques. It’s fun and very much part of the creative process, but can also be frustrating and time consuming. Recently I’ve been taking time to explore new techniques in more detail before diving in to make a finished product. This is proving a great way to experiment and learn a skill with minimal risk and it’s much less daunting. An easy way to learn by my mistakes and build on my failures. To see what works and what doesn’t, what I like and what I’m not so keen on. Rather than keeping this all to…

  • The Studio

    Textured Silver Pendant Workshop

    Make your own jewellery Are you in need of a little creative time out? An escape from your full on everyday life? Some down time? Would you like to make your own jewellery? This is an opportunity for you to have a go. Use your hands to make something unique and individually yours. Have fun in a friendly, supportive environment, creating your own unique textured silver pendant necklace.

  • The Studio

    How to Repair a Necklace

    You know that annoying feeling when your favourite necklace falls apart and you realise that you may never be able to wear it again? The good news is that, often it’s just a simple fix to repair – dare I say you may even be able to repair your jewellery without the help of your better half! Read on to find out how to easily repair a necklace (or indeed a bracelet) when it breaks.

  • The Studio

    Silver Hallmarks

    In recent months a number of people have asked me about silver hallmarks. It occurred to me that you might be interested to know a little bit about these too – who knows, you might even discover some of your own hidden treasures.

  • Holidays

    An Island Day Out from Brisbane

    With the start of the Easter school holidays now upon us, like me, you might well be thinking of ways to entertain your children for the next couple of weeks. I don’t know about you, but I love to visit places which are easy to get to & enjoyable for all the family. With this in mind I thought I’d tell you about a little island just off the coast which to me fits the bill perfectly for a day out from Brisbane.