Glimpses of a Creative Space – Come Take a Look …

The year is now well and truely under way, with summer holidays seeming like a distant memory and new year’s resolutions made what seems like a decade ago. My head is full of ideas for what I want to do this year and I have made a good start on what seems like a very long list. Included on this list is to start a blog for Jocale Design. So here I am at the start of my blogging journey.
I’m not entirely sure where to start … or indeed what will interest you.
I love looking around other people’s homes. With that in mind, I thought you might like a little glimpse of my studio and what goes on ‘behind the scenes’.
Here’s a little insight into where your jewellery begins it’s life – where your beads are created.
Come on in, please excuse the mess!
Fuel for the flame

Beads lined up along the window ledge give me inspiration (and sometimes remind me what not to do!)

Tools of the trade – with a little artistic mess thrown in.

Glass Rods – a key indgredient!

These little pots of glass have helped me to make some wonderful beads.

And last, but not least water – always on hand – just in case it’s needed!
Now you know a little bit more about where your beads are made.
I hope you have enjoyed your tour and found it of interest. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Photos by Alex Tillin