What’s going on in the Studio?
This week has been one of those rare cloudy weeks here in Queensland. Everything seems a little grey and uninspiring. Looking on the bright side, its great to know that it won’t be too long before the sun is back with us again. This is the sort of week that reminds me how lucky I am to be living in such a warm and generally sunny part of the world.
Whilst the clouds roll over and the days are slightly cooler it is the perfect time to immerse myself with work in the studio and make beads. At times like this it is not too hot to be sat by a torch flame. Nor am I forced to take a break in the middle of the day, when the sun would normally shine directly in the window, blinding me and making it completely impossible to work.
This is an ideal time to share with you a peek at what I am making this week …
It has turned out to be a small voyage of discovery which started with these tiny fragments of glass.
Heated in the torch flame they were pulled into very thin rods of glass (or stringers).

Strange to think that each of these beads started life as a simple white bead ….
with the addition of a few fragments of coloured glass they transformed into these beauties.
I can’t wait to turn them into a gorgeous piece of jewellery for you to wear
… or shall I keep them for myself?
Check out the shop to see if they make it there ….
Photos by Alex Tillin