• The Studio

    A Custom Jewellery Story

    With such a vast array of jewellery available these days, I often ask myself and my customers why they come to me and what makes my work different. One of the reasons that they talk about, alongside the uniqueness of my pieces, is that they like to buy jewellery with meaning. Today I thought I’d focus on this aspect of my work and on custom jewellery in particular. This is the story of a recent custom order I completed. If you’ve ever wondered how custom jewellery is made (or maybe you’re just curious) grab a cup of coffee and read on.

  • The Studio

    Glimpses of a Creative Space – Come Take a Look …

    The year is now well and truely under way, with summer holidays seeming like a distant memory and new year’s resolutions made what seems like a decade ago. My head is full of ideas for what I want to do this year and I have made a good start on what seems like a very long list. Included on this list is to start a blog for Jocale Design. So here I am at the start of my blogging journey.