The Studio

100 Days to Reach Your Goal

The 100 Day Goal
With the start of a New Year and a clear head, like many people, I’ve been setting goals & planning. To help along the way I’ve signed up to take part in The 100 Day Goal. Will you be joining me?

To compliment your New Year’s resolutions, I thought I’d share with you The 100 Day Goal ‘secret’.

I’m also being brave and letting you in on my goals for the next 100 Days.

Perhaps my story will inspire you to join me on The 100 Day Goal adventure.

So ‘What is the 100 Day Goal all about?’ I hear you ask.

The 100 Day Goal is the brainchild of Julia Bickerstaff of The Business Bakery. 

The idea, in theory, is simple:

– Set a goal to reach in the next 100 Days

– Then do something every day towards that goal.

This is not rocket science & (as a qualified Project Manager) this should be easy!

In practice, however, this is much harder to do than it sounds!

For the first week or so you have great enthusiasm and are eager to get on with those actions to achieve your goal.

However, 100 days is actually quite a long time.
As the days turn into weeks that initial enthusiasm inevitably starts to wain.

Fortunately that’s where Julia and the many other 100 Day Goal participants come in by giving strategies, support and encouragement along the way.

Signing up also seems to hold you accountable, even if it’s only in your own head.

As a micro business owner, with nobody telling me what to do, this is invaluable.

(I should point out that I am in no way linked to Julia and am not being financially rewarded for writing about this – I just find it a useful system to follow.)

OK, OK, enough about The Business Bakery …

So what is my goal?

Jocale Design Jewellery

My goal for the next 100 days is to design and create a range of jewellery for me

To be perfectly honest it feels a bit scary sharing this with you!

Why am I scared? Well, it’s a massive goal:

What if I don’t succeed?

What if the range I make is dreadful?

Isn’t it a bit of a selfish goal?

Does anybody really care what I’m doing and if I achieve this goal or not?

Does it really matter?

But there it is, I’ve said it, so now you know.

So why have I set this goal?

On the face of it this feels extremely selfish to be making jewellery just for me and as such I’ve been avoiding doing this for a very long time. Who, after all, spends their time making jewellery just for them?!!

Well here’s my reasoning:

  • People have been encouraging me to do this for some time now. I am after all a Jewellery Designer, people naturally expect me to wear my work.
  • This will enable me to build a cohesive range of jewellery, rather than a number of unrelated pieces.
  • Wearing more of my work will enable me to better understand the relationship that people have with my jewellery, along with the features and benefits of each piece.
  • It will enable me to gain valuable insights into what designs are most popular.


  • It will help me to promote my work as I will have more pieces to wear and hence ‘model’ every day.


  • Alongside making pieces for me, I will list each design for sale in my online shop for anyone who would like to have one made just for them.

I will be posting occasional updates of how the jewellery collection is progressing

If you’d like to keep an eye on how this jewellery collection is evolving, sign up to The Jocale Design Insiders Club for occasional email updates – only if you’d like to of course – it’s totally free.

Or why not join me on The 100 Day Goal, pursuing a goal of your own?

I’d love to know what your goal will be.